“Sometimes inner-healing prayer can seem scary to me. Will the Lord show up? Will the prayer ministers be gentle and loving as I share my story? But the Lord is always kind and gentle, and TL and De reflect Jesus beautifully, following the Spirit’s lead with sensitivity and love.
I was surprised at the tender way the Lord stirred long-forgotten memories that I hadn’t realized are connected to present issues and confusion. The Lord brought healing and reminded me of who I am as his beloved! Wahoo!! Thank you Lord!”
“I’ve been at this battle hard for 5 years and I’m aware it’s ongoing and a journey and that something inside me is dying to be what I am meant to be and to be free of. I remember reaching out for counseling and the counselor literally said to me, “You’ve wasted 20 years of your life stuck on this dad stuff etc. you need to get over it.” And that’s what she left me with. It was frustrating, she was just so uninformed on dealing with trauma. Everything I have tried has not worked. Only God can remove this stuff and I have experienced true freedom from some of these past issues. I definitely feel different and more free. Others around me even say I am different, in a very good way. ”
“Spiritual Direction, I’m discovering, is allowing my heart to align with the Holy Spirit’s work in me, like instruments coming into harmony. I think of my life with Jesus and learning to discern His voice as learning to play an instrument. Spiritual Direction has been a fine tuner for that instrument, leading to a beautiful experience of the music. It creates a safe space for this delicate, yet powerful, tuning moving toward “the good life”, which, ultimately, is connection to God. Whereas one on one counseling or inner healing requires instructive feedback from facilitators, a “spiritual director” creates the space and waits for Jesus to make His case. The minimal interference surprised me. Even times when I felt stuck, TL didn’t rescue me, but instead, directed my frustrations back to God, kicking off a chain reaction of new experiences of His gentleness, love, mercy, and utter acceptance. I felt unconditional love although my circumstances remained unchanged. As this fine tuning continued, the process deepened to unexpected areas: quietly held fears, questions, and beliefs. God seemed to address these feelings head on, and often I would leave these sessions asking myself, “Can God really be as good as I just experienced Him?”, and “Can God really love me as much as I just felt Him love me?”.
Now, I am connecting more deeply to Jesus and am learning how to receive His unconditional love for me. How do I know? I smile more, I hug more, I cry more, I’m more grateful. To me this is a taste of “the good life” and I am willing to keep trying that.”
“My inner healing experience far exceeded my expectations. I’m a true believer in sharing and praying through problems and situations as opposed to talking about them and leaving feeling more hurt and confused than before. Their approach by praying with you, having you go back to certain scenarios that were difficult at the time and ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit knowing he was there with you, is so freeing and healing. Anything we keep hidden or in secret has a certain power over us, but De and TL make you feel at ease and comfortable with no shame or condemnation for anything you may have experienced. They definitely have a calling and helped me in more ways then one. They shared their wisdom and knowledge with me, and continue to pray for me and encourage me to do the same with others. I definitely recommend an inner healing session for anyone experiencing anything they feel they cannot face alone or for clarity and freedom. You will be amazed at the outcome and wish you would have only done so sooner!”
““When I began my journey of inner healing , I was at a place of gut wrenching emotional pain and a lot of tears. No matter how I prayed about them, they didn’t seem to go away. I truly didn’t know what to expect at our first session other than I went in with an open heart, mind and soul. With that, I found two people that were “the real thing” when it came to being able to reach in and pull out the most raw items from my past and present. Things I didn’t even realize were still weighing me down. Things that I hadn’t thought of in years buried deep in my mind and soul. Things that I hadn’t forgiven myself for, or forgiven others for. Some for 15 years, some for over 35 years! Pastor TL & De were able to help me bring them to Jesus and have Him take my burdens for each and every one, close them in a box and be rid of them and take all the demons that came with them! After the first session, I knew that this was it for me and my family! I felt emotional but refreshed at the same time and after 1 nights rest, I felt free from the evil that came with what we worked on at that meeting. I have never felt God’s love surrounding me before like I did during my inner healing prayer time! I’ve been to psychiatrists and counselors and no one has ever been able to do what Pastor TL and De have been able to do with me and my life. They gave me spiritual healing by helping me connect with my Savior in a different way to release me of the burdens I had held onto for so many years. Each session I walked out of, I felt lighter and lighter. Imagine that... feeling lighter?! Without all the weight of the things holding me down. We are all a work in progress and everyone has something. I know I am a work in progress but to get rid of 43 years of things and to be HEALED from them is like no other!! I am so blessed to have met them and to have them help renew my life and marriage. I don’t know where we would be today if we didn’t meet Pastor TL & De. ”
“In my ministry times with TL and De I was really able to tell how much they love the Lord and how they have a passion to help others experience his healing presence. They allowed the presence of God to come and be in control of my prayer sessions. The Holy Spirit never failed show up in power and minister to me. I always felt safe and comfortable. During some of my prayer times we dealt with generational curses that only God could reveal. The Spirit also brought up past hurts and brought real tangible healing to those memories. The enemy was no longer allowed to use them to gain access to my life. Spiritual freedom, self-acceptance, a closer relationship with the Lord and a greater love of his presence were just some of the results I’ve experienced.”
“As a life-long follower of Jesus and a ministry leader, I have experienced many times of spiritual and emotional breakthrough and growth. Yet I still sometimes struggled with certain internal messages or hit emotional and spiritual roadblocks in my faith. When I was first introduced to inner healing, I knew that I had found a tool to the wholeness I longed for and that God desired for me and for others. I have found De and TL to be especially anointed in this ministry. In my sessions with them, I have experienced healing of deep wounds from my past as well as physical healing—all in a supportive and nonthreatening environment. And I now live daily in new spiritual and emotional freedom. I firmly believe that this ministry would benefit every Christian.”
“I have known TL and De for several years and first went to them for healing prayer in 2013. I have had several prayer sessions with them and each time God has brought me to and through things from my and my family’s past that I had not been aware of, or had pushed far back into my memory bank. As Holy Spirit brought all these things to light and we prayed through them I began to experience great spiritual freedom. I have also experienced Jesus heal me from physical pain as well. The greatest reward of all this has been watching the miracles that God has performed in my family, children and grandchildren as a result of standing in the gap to break generational curses. I have and will continue to recommend meeting with TL and De for physical and spiritual healing sessions. God has truly blessed this couple with His Healing Touch!”
“In my younger years I experienced sexual abuse that I had suppressed. But the secret was dragging me into deep shame and darkness that I could no longer get myself out of. De and TL led me through inner healing prayer in which they asked if I could see Jesus in a memory of being abused. At first I said there was no way He was there and even if He was it didn`t matter because it happened and He didn’t stop it. In the memory I was behind a locked door, where I then saw Jesus on the other side of the door, knocking. Jesus revealed the key to the door was self-forgiveness. I had put unnecessary blame on myself and even though it was NOT my fault, I still had to forgive myself for the shame I placed over myself. Jesus was then able to open the door in my memory, He took me into His arms, held me criss-cross-applesauce and sobbed with me over the shame and pain I had endured for years of suppressing that memory. Now, when I look back on all of those corresponding memories, Jesus is there, holding me and sobbing with me and they are no longer memories of defeat, pain, and humiliation, but memories of battles that I had finally won in this war over my heart.”
“Before meeting with De and TL I was in a dark place in my life nothing seemed to be going right for me and I had a lot of resentment. After a few sessions with De and TL I began journaling and realized that my resentment towards my Dad had transformed into love and understanding. By writing down my thoughts and talking with De and TL about the things that I was holding onto I realized that I could let go of the negativity and let Christ handle what I couldn’t. Christ wants us to know he’s always with us and sometimes we have to let go and let God enter our lives for he loves us and wants us to be happy. If you’re in a dark place in your life and you don’t know who to turn to take a moment and share with De and TL you’ll feel the Holy Spirit lift up your heart and you’ll feel better. I know because it happened to me.”