What is Inner Healing
Inner healing prayer is an extended time of prayer ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit that allows time and space for Jesus to bring healing and freedom from emotional, spiritual and trauma wounds from our past. These types of wounds can include:
• rejection or abandonment (even while in the womb)
• Father/Mother wounds
• trauma from abuse or tragic accidents
• resentment
• depression
• guilt
• shame
• fear
• anger
• un-forgiveness and the like
These wounds are often stored in the memories buried deep in the sub-conscious of hurting people. Inner healing focuses on healing the hurts and pains associated with those memories by helping people to experience Jesus' presence in the memory and give to him those hurts, extending forgiveness where needed and receive Jesus' love, grace and healing. This does not change the facts about the memory but removes the pain associated with it, freeing people from the negative emotions that effect their lives today.
“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.”
God knows every moment of our lives, He knew us before the foundations of the world. Inner healing prayer invites God by the Holy Spirit to bring to mind the very moments of our lives that He wants to bring healing and freedom to. We trust Him to bring to mind the very memory where these wounds first occurred in order to bring healing to them.
Sometimes the question is asked, "Is this Biblical?" We believe that it is and that there are numerous scriptures to support it. Rather than write it all out here please refer to this article.
“Memory specialists tell us that we store memories of our experiences in pictures rather than words. To get hurtful memories healed we must deal with them in pictures. Pictured memories cannot be healed through words alone. Thus, in ministry we lead people to go back to their memories in pictures and to picture the truth that Jesus was with there, because He is omnipresent. Experiencing Jesus’ presence in the memories, then, enables people to picture themselves releasing their reactions to Him and gaining the freedom He desires for them.”
We schedule inner healing prayer sessions for a 2 hour block of time. We find this allows for the time that is needed to effectively minister healing to these wounds, and yet not too long, causing too much of an emotional drain for most people.
To learn more on the subject of inner healing we recommend the book Deep Wounds, Deep Healing by Dr. Charles Kraft.