It's For Freedom

It's For Freedom is a ministry that helps people experience the fullness of the freedom that Christ has claimed for us all, by means of inner healing and deliverance.

What is Spiritual Direction?

Christian spiritual direction is primarily a ministry in which one Christian (the director) helps another (the directee) to discern God’s presence and activity in the directee’s life and also the directee’s reactions and responses to God’s activity. It is often said that the real director in spiritual direction is God, while the human spiritual director is more of a witness, one that points to God’s activity on behalf of the directee. Spiritual direction can also be done in a group context, in which a group of Christians together prayerfully seek to discern God’s activity in the life of a fellow believer.  There is an invitation to allow the experience of God in the everyday to build relationship with God, connecting the human spirit with God’s spirit. It provides space to acknowledge our deepest longings – to explore the mysteries of life and our longings to feel loved and significant.

David Benner in his book Sacred Companions says it like this - "The supreme gift that anyone can give another is to help that person live life more aware of the presence of God. Sacred companions help us remember this is our Father’s world. They help us hear His voice, be aware of His presence and see his footprints as we walk through life. They accompany us on a journey that is made sacred not by their presence but by the presence of God. In doing so, they make the journey sacred."

What Happens in Spiritual Direction?

In spiritual direction from a Christian tradition, there is a spiritual director and a directee. It sounds hierarchical but is not. It is understood as an equal relationship where both people are seekers of God in their lives. It is not an advice giving session but a place where the directee can ponder and wrestle with the mysteries in their life and the director can be present and ask questions and facilitate the directee to extend their enjoyment of God,  as well as their understanding and relationship with God. It is a place of possibilities and surprises!

Set an Appointment

If spiritual direction sounds like it would be important to you please contact us for more information and to set an appointment. 


T.L. and De Landgraf have completed the two year school of spiritual direction with Sustainable Faith and are members of ARC (Alliance of Renewal Churches) as a spiritual director, as well as the ESDA (Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association) and the SFSAZ (Spiritual Formation Society of Arizona)


Spiritual direction appointments are one hour with a fee of $65. Payment for appointments can be made below.

These payments are non-deductible